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   WHO AM I ?  

That's a great question!  I'm still trying to figure out a complete answer to that one myself as I start to think about what I want to do after I graduate from MIT.  Here is what I can tell you now:

I am an electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) major/software engineer at MIT that is interested in understanding how our world works.  I am curious about how systems, whether it be the human mind, or a whole field of study like electrical engineering, come together with other systems to create cool and awesome things.


While MIT does offer the option of focusing just on EE or CS, I chose to focus on both because I find that interaction between software and hardware so fascinating.  It is an interaction like this that helps build much of the technology that we use today like computers and cars!  One of my potential interests is to explore this interaction further in the areas of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI).  What this interest transforms itself I cannot yet say (hence, why I am still trying to come up with a complete answer to the question!).


In addition to robotics and AI, I am interested in Big Data and data analytics, as I have come to realize that there is so much data out there, but so little of it being analyzed, let alone being used.  However, if properly cleaned and analyzed, I have found that it can often uncover extremely fascinating insights into the way that the people, technology, and environment around us operate.  And that's just awesome, but whether it's awesome enough to be a career, I still need to figure that out myself.

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